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Mythologically speaking, the observance of the deconstruction of the complex ideas is superior in its equilibristic emptiness of ignorant vehemence within the centre of biological compulsion.

This is the game I must write a review of, otherwise I will lost the opportunity to comment on something trully unique, and brilliant.

I don't know what happened, I got all the medals, and I can only guess how the mechanic works. From what I see, the game is about random chances, with pressing space = throwing dices, when the result might mean 1=standing, 2=jumping, 3=dead. 4=jumping forward, etc. But I guess that I'm wrong, and I look in the wrong way.

It certainly requires thinking outside of the box, and even if you don't understand the rules, you can instinctively "get" the object of the game, even if it can't be rationally explained.

The game is both genius and dumb at the same time. You can affect the gameplay, and yet, you are dependent on the whims of the cats. You are known for creating some truly original games, and I am in awe of your work.

whileworking responds:

Thanks so much for this review! As the developer I don't want to explain too much, rather leave it to the community to discuss. You can understand this "game" in different ways.

You know, I sorta feel you. People are tiptopkek.
I dedicate this beer that I'm going to drink, to you. Burp.

Could use some more features, though.

SuperKek responds:

Thank you my good man. I just need that game to vent a little of my frustation. I do feel better now.

Jesus christ. This is brilliant. The message and the game. I don't really care for medals, maybe someday I get them all, but this is a brilliant submission. It has a great re-playability, as well as skip button.

Muja responds:

Ahah thanks a lot for your nice review and your enthusiasm. You probably get where I'm going with the story... but I have a coulpe of twists up my sleeve yet, I hope you'll like them.

(It seems that skip button was really needed, I'll remember that for all my future projects)

Indeed it's short. That's why only 4/5. But otherwise perfect. Consider adding medals, OR making a longer version. I will definitely vote it for february's bests pick, though.

Galbert responds:

Thanks a bunch! I added medals now, thanks for the suggestion~

I've seen two endings, and the game did not convince me on your message.
It's kind of funny, because you yourself reward the player for being harsh tyrant much MORE in term of points, than for choosing the multi-cultural way.

I don't think you gave a good example in your game. And I don't think you understand the meaning of the word "multi-culturalism". You presented TWO NEIGHBORS, who look the SAME, and whose only difference is color? It would work better, if you wanted to make statement about "racism" and "racial issues", but even then it would be very simplistic. If we use the word "multi", I think we should talk about more than only two types, and also about a radically different types of people.

Personally, I don't believe in multi-culti, because every nation, every culture and race desires a safe space for themselves. A space, where they can just be themselves and live the way that they believe. Not to mention that multi-culti tends to be associated with media censorship, political correctness, lack of constructive criticism, and instead offers "don't worry, be happy" attitude, which is exactly what's your message was, because in your opinion, every real and serious problem magically disappears, if we just don't worry and be happy.

Now, what is happiness? The newest game, movie, product, or values, family, love, future, safety? Or having power, being superior, dominating others? Every person will have different set of values and will define happiness differently. It's funny that people think that in a concept based on different cultures and mentalities, that somehow these mixed groups of people would have unified goals, dreams, morality, and desires.

Look at USA, and how many problems this country has on daily basis. So many decades passed, and I don't see any positive progress, and I doubt I will ever see. Let's look at history. Rome became multi-cultural and it fall, Yugoslavia tried to be multi-cultural, and it ended in regular genocide. ZSRR was multi-cultural, and we know how bad this union was. Of course, these are purposely negative examples.

So let's look at positive one. Let's look at UE. It also is multi-cultural, there is huge freedom there, no dictatorship, no oppression, and yet, it has nowadays huge problems with rapes, assaults, and overall increased crime rate. And it keeps increasing. And governments are clueless on how to deal with this, as they keep debating and debating, while nothing is being done.


The game itself is okay, it's a little difficult, the graphics aren't impressive, but aren't shitty, and the gameplay is challenging, it requires a lot of trial and error, and I did try to experiment with various strategies. So definitely I can see a potential. Also, very good sounds used. So the overall aesthetics are good, and the game has this slight "artsy" feel, which is good as well.

You definitely have a potential to be a good creator, and I will look forward to your future projects.

axoona responds:

Thank's for taking the time to write such a thourough review!

Well the game is obviously a simplification of an overwise complex pro
blem. Red and blue is just an image, I explicitely didn't want to use any real identification, because you can find many other situations of "wall building" (be it religion, race, sex or sexual orientaion...), but it was inspired by the actual migrant crisis in Europe. I actually don't know of any real multi-cultural society in Europe. USRR and Yugoslavia were tyrannies with one nation imposing on all the others and nowadays what we call multi-culti in France or Britain isn't really. There's always a bunch of taboos that prevent from talking openly about rasism problems.
I do believe that we could solve many problems by accepting people as they are. What we give (or don't give) will eventually come back to us. There are bad people in this world, but I believe that most just want to live a peacefull life without hurting anyone (on purpose) no matter what their background. It's ironic that even though there are so many bad people amongst the people we call "us", we are more afraid of the peaceful people that are different in some way.

But I agree with you that nothing will ever change. The recent extreme right wing rise all around the world just confirms this. There's a lot of talking and no doing. The politicians think only about the next elections. Human rights are reinforced if there is money behind. And there's no political vision of what we would like our world to look like in 10, 20 or 50 years...

Anyway thank's again for commenting on the game! I really appriciate.

There is this unspoken rule on newgrounds that you have to mandatory give deathink 5, or else you'll get the hose again. But I also give extra 5, because I like X-Men, and Genclops has Cyclops as an avatar.

At first, the game was confusing, and I was massacred mercilessly, while also earning medals.
Then, I was sad that I had death penalty, but later I realized that you can escape the bank and thus
gaining points. Then I wondered, how do you get x8 combo, and later realized that you have to wear sunglasses, and that it's most effective when you use both special and sunglasses to have easy combos. And from then, it was easy as hell.

I love tributes to games, and I love retro / pixel tribute to games, which is why I love the (legendary) The Room tribute made by Fulp and co. I didn't know that Piper is ded. First Craven, now Piper.
The last 2 years weren't merciful for the greats, weren't they?

It might be also one of the longest reviews I wrote, and I wonder, if there is something constructive criticism that I can give, but there is none.

The only thing I do want to do, is to give advice to players - be patient, and don't give up early, and all rewards will be yours. Okay, now I can go drink beer.

deathink responds:

Thank you very much my man.

I wasn't sure if there is a point to write a review, especially that everything was said and done, but let me try, as I consider games like these an important wake up call. Thoughts:

1) Very clever secret medal. I only hope more people would discover it. It's very obvious once you unlock it, but still, it requires a certain privilege of being smart enough to figure it out.

2) It's noble to make life easier for those who have it hard, but it's disgusting when a group of people make life harder for those who have it easier, just because they have it easier. It's racist,
and sadly, the irony escapes sjws, who want to separate us and catalog us by our "disadvantages".

3) Which brings me to the point that we are much more than our disabilities, color of the skin, and sex. We all have disadvantages, but we also have advantages. A deaf person can be a great mathematician, and lead a successful life, while a white hetero male with blue eyes might suffer from depression, or trauma, and commit suicide, etc. No one wants to be defined by weakness, and no one wants to be a martyr, or better, a cannon fodder for someone's cause.

4) It's a neat idea of adding transsexual, arabic, disabled characters to the games if it would make sense, or if it rewards player with some interesting gameplay, but I am against doing so for the sake of political correctness. Ideas should be implemented organically, when someone has a clear vision of a game he, or she wants to make.

5) I hope that we all will have a laugh at this in 10 years from now, but sadly, I am disturbed how young people are being brainwashed into being guilty of existing. I call it, the Stockholm Syndrome generation.

6) I love your review DasSchlo. I think it all boils down to people wanting to feel "relevant" or being "revolutionaries" of their generation, especially that most of the important social changes were implemented before they were born, and they desperately need a cause to fight for, to make themselves feel better about themselves. Kony 2012 is still a shining example of people's mentality, when it comes to "helping" someone.

7) I dedicate my nickname to tumblr, sjws, and all the so-called oppressed people, who never were really oppressed.

And that's it. There's much more to add, but I feel like I covered what I wanted to add.

MinorAtrocityGames responds:

Oh? You got the secret medal? People have been hounding me since this game released for that one. It is really way too obvious, but way too hidden at the exact same time.

I love your review, lots of effort and great information. Thank you. :)

A mix of Depict1 with Tower of Heaven.

I wanted initially to write that the character glues to the wall, like if you wanted to implement walljump, but failed. It turns out that I was close, as in final levels there is walljumping indeed.

There is one trick / glitch that can be exploited in the final levels - when you touch the wall without jumping ON it, and THEN try to walljump, you practically jump high enough to land on top. I'm not sure if I explained it coherently, though.

All in all, not a bad game, and sort of enjoyable too.

Blobzone responds:

Haha, yes the glitch is something i noticed far to late, and now im to lazy to change it. Its kinda fun though :D

Yeah, in hindsight there are a lot of things where i could have it made better. I started the game as a normal platformer but thought, why not add some kind of "story" for the player. But Depict1 does that way better.

Still thanks for that review.


Great game, great music, great graphics, great experience, great fun.

A hint for those looking at the cookie underwater. it's a small dark blue pixel on one of the two underwater screens. How I've found it? Print screen, paint, ctrl+v, plus resize to twice the size.

Squeka responds:

Thank you! :3
I didn't know there are such trick! xD
Congratulation! :3

Why would anyone hate you?
You are handsome, eloquent, you have your own car, and you make cute cartoons and games.
You also are cute, when you are so harsh for yourself publicly.
Dude, people want to make love with you, they would vote for you if you went for president office,
they would trust you with babysitting their children.
Look at my lips, look closely: No One Hates You. And No One Ever Will.

Speaking of this game, it can be hard at times, but thankfully, it's easier than your previous game.
Although I haven't beaten it yet, so everything is possible.
And don't rush your animation. It'll be done when it's ready to be done.

Turbo-Assassin responds:

This is the most beautiful thing anybody has ever said to me.

I... I think I have something in my eye... please excuse me...


Stop reading info about me, you fucking stalker.
People Hate Me Coz They Ain't Me

''Medal Slut'' @fuckoffasshole

Age 82, X

Trying to get medals

Hiding in the woods

Joined on 12/28/14

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